[Wikimediauk-l] UK chapter membership numbers
2018-04-09 20:33:46 UTC
During the last UK Chapter AGM, it was asked why the membership
numbers had radically changed, there was no specific answer to the
question. Was any analysis done on this afterwards? When reviewing
membership it seems likely that the charity's trustees would have been
concerned at these figures so shortly before the AGM, due to the
potential risk of entryism.

Membership jumped from a total of 147 (a five year low) in May 2017,
to the all time record high the following month of 498, i.e. new
sign-ups that month more than *tripled* the total membership.

A second question - the report of membership numbers has been updated
every month for the past five years.[1] It has not been updated since
October 2017. Could anyone confirm what the most recent membership
numbers are so the report can be updated?

P.S. the links in the FAQ about the register of members are out of
date, the companylawclub link is a 404 error and the companieshouse
link advises to go to their new website.

1. https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Membership/Numbers
2. https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Volunteers_-_Frequently_Asked_Questions#Why_do_you_keep_a_register_of_members.3F

***@gmail.com https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Fae
Richard Nevell
2018-04-09 21:01:20 UTC
Dear Fae,

As was explained at the AGM the increase in the number of members was the
result of a successful membership drive.

Richard Nevell

On 9 Apr 2018 21:34, "FÊ" <***@gmail.com> wrote:

During the last UK Chapter AGM, it was asked why the membership
numbers had radically changed, there was no specific answer to the
question. Was any analysis done on this afterwards? When reviewing
membership it seems likely that the charity's trustees would have been
concerned at these figures so shortly before the AGM, due to the
potential risk of entryism.

Membership jumped from a total of 147 (a five year low) in May 2017,
to the all time record high the following month of 498, i.e. new
sign-ups that month more than *tripled* the total membership.

A second question - the report of membership numbers has been updated
every month for the past five years.[1] It has not been updated since
October 2017. Could anyone confirm what the most recent membership
numbers are so the report can be updated?

P.S. the links in the FAQ about the register of members are out of
date, the companylawclub link is a 404 error and the companieshouse
link advises to go to their new website.

1. https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Membership/Numbers

***@gmail.com https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Fae
2018-04-10 10:41:29 UTC
Yes, at the AGM the tripling of membership numbers was explained as
being due to an increase in members joining. No meaningful facts were
presented to the members, but the impression given by the Chair and
the CEO was that there would be more information publicly available.

My question was "why". Sharing information about any discussion the
trustees have had on improving protection against entryism, would be
healthy for transparency, as would sharing exactly what happened that
caused this massive, overnight, leap in membership totals. Currently,
there is zero information on the nature of who joined, which may have
been down to how they joined. As an example, if 351 people joined at
an academic conference in London, then the people joining would be
academics who go to events in London and if the 351 new members were
found due to appeals by the CEO on Facebook, then the new members
would be limited to people who follow or network with the CEO on

It appears that the jump in numbers was a one-off event, there has
been no continued growth since whatever happened. Should the chapter
start maintaining the published membership report again, then it will
be possible for people apart from chapter employees to have access to
the latest facts.

Post by Richard Nevell
Dear Fae,
As was explained at the AGM the increase in the number of members was the
result of a successful membership drive.
Richard Nevell
During the last UK Chapter AGM, it was asked why the membership
numbers had radically changed, there was no specific answer to the
question. Was any analysis done on this afterwards? When reviewing
membership it seems likely that the charity's trustees would have been
concerned at these figures so shortly before the AGM, due to the
potential risk of entryism.
Membership jumped from a total of 147 (a five year low) in May 2017,
to the all time record high the following month of 498, i.e. new
sign-ups that month more than *tripled* the total membership.
A second question - the report of membership numbers has been updated
every month for the past five years.[1] It has not been updated since
October 2017. Could anyone confirm what the most recent membership
numbers are so the report can be updated?
P.S. the links in the FAQ about the register of members are out of
date, the companylawclub link is a 404 error and the companieshouse
link advises to go to their new website.
1. https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Membership/Numbers
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk
***@gmail.com https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Fae
Charles Matthews
2018-04-10 13:25:51 UTC
Post by Fæ
It appears that the jump in numbers was a one-off event, there has
been no continued growth since whatever happened.
I don't know what happened. I did correspond with the office about a prompt to renew. One could simulate such a "one-off event" by simply asking people whose membership had lapsed to renew. I was doing this sort of thing for WMUK some seven years ago, so as an explanation it is not far-fetched.

Richard Nevell
2018-04-10 17:37:12 UTC
Dear Fae,

My memory could be failing me, but I thought it was explained at the AGM
that the increase was a result of asking donors to become members.

It sounds like you are more interested in the 'how' of the process and the
'who' as you seem dissatisfied with the answer to *why* there was an
increase. To make sure we're on the same page is that what you meant?

Richard Nevell

PS. Have you had a chance to look into the issue on Commons with the
conflicting licence for some images from the Portable Antiquities Scheme?
My question was archived before a reply.
Post by Fæ
Yes, at the AGM the tripling of membership numbers was explained as
being due to an increase in members joining. No meaningful facts were
presented to the members, but the impression given by the Chair and
the CEO was that there would be more information publicly available.
My question was "why". Sharing information about any discussion the
trustees have had on improving protection against entryism, would be
healthy for transparency, as would sharing exactly what happened that
caused this massive, overnight, leap in membership totals. Currently,
there is zero information on the nature of who joined, which may have
been down to how they joined. As an example, if 351 people joined at
an academic conference in London, then the people joining would be
academics who go to events in London and if the 351 new members were
found due to appeals by the CEO on Facebook, then the new members
would be limited to people who follow or network with the CEO on
It appears that the jump in numbers was a one-off event, there has
been no continued growth since whatever happened. Should the chapter
start maintaining the published membership report again, then it will
be possible for people apart from chapter employees to have access to
the latest facts.
Post by Richard Nevell
Dear Fae,
As was explained at the AGM the increase in the number of members was the
result of a successful membership drive.
Richard Nevell
During the last UK Chapter AGM, it was asked why the membership
numbers had radically changed, there was no specific answer to the
question. Was any analysis done on this afterwards? When reviewing
membership it seems likely that the charity's trustees would have been
concerned at these figures so shortly before the AGM, due to the
potential risk of entryism.
Membership jumped from a total of 147 (a five year low) in May 2017,
to the all time record high the following month of 498, i.e. new
sign-ups that month more than *tripled* the total membership.
A second question - the report of membership numbers has been updated
every month for the past five years.[1] It has not been updated since
October 2017. Could anyone confirm what the most recent membership
numbers are so the report can be updated?
P.S. the links in the FAQ about the register of members are out of
date, the companylawclub link is a 404 error and the companieshouse
link advises to go to their new website.
1. https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Membership/Numbers
Post by Richard Nevell
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk
John Byrne
2018-04-10 16:31:33 UTC
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk
Katie Chan
2018-04-10 17:31:14 UTC
Oh I don't know, maybe this "yawning gap" wouldn't be so wide if the chapter don't get criticised for both not increasing its membership numbers and having increased its membership numbers.
Just a wide guess....

Sent from my Samsung device
Stevie Benton
2018-04-10 17:42:35 UTC
Exactly what Katie says. The chapter can't win here. It gets criticised if
membership doesn't grow because some see it as a kind of failure. Then,
when the chapter grows its membership it is seen as some kind of entryist
threat. I find it particularly notable that these criticisms come from the
same quarters.

I say well done WMUK for growing the membership and encouraging more people
to get involved in the free and open movement. Good work.

Post by Katie Chan
Oh I don't know, maybe this "yawning gap" wouldn't be so wide if the
chapter don't get criticised for both not increasing its membership numbers
and having increased its membership numbers.
Just a wide guess....
Sent from my Samsung device
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk
John Lubbock
2018-04-10 17:49:48 UTC
Thanks Stevie. We are trying to work on an integrated communications and
membership strategy to grow the membership further. As always there are
capacity issues as to what we can do with the number of staff and funding
we have, but I am always willing to listen to people's ideas for how we
could reach new people and encourage more membership.

John Lubbock

Communications Coordinator

Wikimedia UK

+44 (0) 203 372 0767

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Office 1,
Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ.

Wikimedia UK is the national chapter of the global Wikimedia open knowledge
movement. We rely on donations from individuals to support our work to make
knowledge open for all. Have you considered supporting Wikimedia UK? Donate
here <https://donate.wikimedia.org.uk>.

The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate
Wikipedia, amongst other projects). *Wikimedia UK is an independent
non-profit charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility
for its contents.*
Post by Stevie Benton
Exactly what Katie says. The chapter can't win here. It gets criticised if
membership doesn't grow because some see it as a kind of failure. Then,
when the chapter grows its membership it is seen as some kind of entryist
threat. I find it particularly notable that these criticisms come from the
same quarters.
I say well done WMUK for growing the membership and encouraging more
people to get involved in the free and open movement. Good work.
Post by Katie Chan
Oh I don't know, maybe this "yawning gap" wouldn't be so wide if the
chapter don't get criticised for both not increasing its membership numbers
and having increased its membership numbers.
Just a wide guess....
Sent from my Samsung device
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk
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